Digital vækkeur module DIY type1
Saml selv 6 ciffer digital ur.
Vækkeur, timer, stopur, tæller
Baseret på AT89C2051.
Du kan omprogrammerer AT89C2051 for at give printet en anden funtion
Saml selv 6 ciffer digital ur.
Vækkeur, timer, stopur, tæller
Baseret på AT89C2051.
Du kan omprogrammerer AT89C2051 for at give printet en anden funtion
Sæt tiden:
Tryk S3 og kolon begynder at blinke
S2 tæld timer en op
S1 tæld minutter en op
Sæt alarm:
Tryk S3 to gange og kolon lyser
S2 tæld timer en op
S1 tæld minutter en op
Når den indstillede tid er over 23:00 vises ——:——:—— som betyder at alarmen er slået fra.
Tæld ned:
Tryk S3 tre gange og kolon slukker, display viser 0
S2 tæld timer en op
S1 tæld minutter en op
Tryk S2 seks gange for at starte nedtældingen
Tryk S3 fire gange og kolon lyser, display viser 00:00:00
S2 start stopur
S2 igen stop stopur
S2 reset
Kits Model: YL-6
Kits name: six bits clock kits
Operating voltage: 7-12V
PCB Size: 120 * 56mm
Accuracy of travel time: error less than 1 second in 24 hours
Features: alarm clock, stopwatch, countdown and counter.
YCL-6 makes the full use of the single-chip resources which is featured with the function of alarm clock, countdown clock, stopwatch and counter.
1. Principle of Operating
The circuit is mainly composed by the single-chip circuit, display circuit, keyboard input, signal ringing circuit and power circuit.
1.single-chip circuit: It's based on AT89C2051 which including the Power-on Reset and clock circuit.
2. Display Circuit: The main component is 2-bit digital tube in red. The driver uses the PNP transistor and it's equipped with current-limiting resistance at every port. It's with scanning-driven way and uses P1.0~P1.6. The colon part use four pieces of diode in Φ3 red with scanning-driven way. And it uses P1.7.
3. keyboard input: The key S1~S3 are with reused function which reused with the display part of P3.5,P3.4 and P3.2. And here is the operating principle.
Output high level at the related PIN to read out the status of keys and debounce via single-chip system to give the keys with corresponding value.
4. Signal Ringing circuit: It's composed by buzzer and PNP transistor. And the operating principle is that the buzzer will send sound in fixed frequency after the PNP transistor turns on. It's with independent port-driven way and uses P3.7. J1 is used for connecting the extrocontrol equipments which will output the low level when there is no ringing signal, or high level with ringing signal.
5. Power Circuit: It's composed by three terminal integrated circuit which will supply the whole system with the stable voltage.
2. Operating Specification
1) Specification of function Keys
S3 is for function choosing key , S2 for function expansion and the S1 for adding the value with one.
2) Operating
It works well if all the components are welded in the right way. And the operating DC voltage is 7V--12V. Please be noted the polarity when connect the power. During the operation, below six functions can be chosen to work, if press the S3 continuously in a short time. And the interval is less than 1 second. Or it goes to the clock function if press the S3 for more than 2 seconds.
Clock Function:
It displays 10:10:00 when it's on.
Time checking Function:
The time and colon start flashing after Press the S3 for a short time. Press S2 to add one hour and Pree S1 to add 1 minute. But the second time is unadjustable.
Alarming Function:
It displays 22:10:00 and the colon lights after press S3 twice in a short time. Press S2 to add one hour and Pree S1 to add 1 minute. But the second time is unadjustable. When the value of hour is over 23:00pm, it displays ——:——:—— which is the function for turn off the alarming function.
Countdown Function:
It displays O and the colon is in dark after press S3 three times in a short time. The hour time is added after pressing S2 and 1 minute is added after pressing S1. It'll start to countdown when press S2 for the sixth time. The time can be adjusted again after pressing S2 for one more time. And the countdown function is off.
Stopwatch Function:
It displays 00:00:00 and the colon lights after press S3 four times in a short time. It starts clocking with the stopwatch after pressing S2. And if press S2 one more time, the clocking will be end. And the stopwatch goes to reset status after pressing S1 at this time.