M590E GSM GPRS Module 900m-1800m
Voltage: 5V
Frequency: 900 1800 MHz
Stand by current: < 10 mA
Working current: < 80 mA
Baud: 9600 or change by sending AT+IPR=xxxx
Interface: TTL
Commands: Regular AT commands
Connector: 5V GND TxD RxD
Antenna: Please solder a copper wire to the board or use an IPEX socket
Temperatures: -30 C to 80 C
Functions: Send/receive SMS messages and GPRS data.
Excellent for remote sensing, experiments, alarms and automatic data collection.
The control port is a regular serial port.
You may connect it directly with a microcontroller such as Arduino, or you can use a USB to serial port adapter and send commands directly from a computer.