Vægt sensor modul med 4 sensorer
Sæt til vægt 200kg. Indeholder 1 stk. HX711 A/D konvertor og 4 stk. vægt sensor
Sæt til vægt 200kg. Indeholder 1 stk. HX711 A/D konvertor og 4 stk. vægt sensor
3 ways to use it:
1. Use one sensor with an external resistor to form a full-bridge measurement, the range of a sensor range: 50kg. External resistance on the higher requirements.
2. Use two sensors to form a full-bridge measurement, measuring range for the sum of the two sensors: 50kgx2 = 100kg
3. Use four sensors to form a full-bridge measurement, measuring range for the sum of four sensors: 50kgx4 = 200kg